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6 Seasons of Ayurveda

6 Seasons of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, recognises six seasons in a year,
each with its unique qualities that affect the body and mind. The seasons
correspond to the changes in nature and the environment around us, and they
are categorised into three main groups: Vata season (autumn and early winter),
Kapha season (late winter and spring), and Pitta season (summer).

During the Vata season, which lasts from mid-March to mid-June, the weather
becomes cold, dry, windy, and unstable. It is a time of change and transition, and
the body can become more prone to imbalances like anxiety, insomnia, and joint
pain. To balance Vata, Ayurveda recommends a warm and nourishing diet, daily
self-massage with warm oil, and regular yoga and meditation practice.

The Kapha season, from mid-August to mid-October, is characterised by cool,
damp, and heavy qualities. This season can bring sluggishness, congestion, and
weight gain. To balance Kapha, Ayurveda recommends a light and warm diet,
regular exercise, and dry brushing.

The Pitta season, from mid-December to mid-February, is marked by hot, humid,
and intense qualities. This season can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and
acidity. To balance Pitta, Ayurveda recommends a cooling and calming diet,
regular meditation and pranayama, and spending time in nature. If you need
some assistance with meditating regularly, here are some meditation apps you
should check out. 

One way to incorporate Ayurvedic wisdom into your life is by visiting a
Hammam, a traditional Turkish bathhouse that offers a range of therapeutic
treatments for the body and mind. At Peninsula Hot Springs in Victoria, Australia,
the Hammam experience includes a self-guided journey through a series of
steam rooms, hot and cold plunge pools, and relaxation areas. The Hammam
treatment involves a full-body exfoliation and a nourishing clay mask. The
combination of steam, heat, and massage can help release tension, improve
circulation, and detoxify the body.

Dominique Salerno’s article on Ayurvedic wisdom for a southern hemisphere
provides valuable insights into how to stay balanced and healthy during
the Vata season. Salerno recommends warming and grounding foods like soups,
stews, and root vegetables, as well as using warming spices like ginger,
cinnamon, and cardamom. She also suggests incorporating self-care practices

like oil pulling and tongue scraping, and using aromatherapy oils like eucalyptus,
ginger, and cinnamon to promote relaxation and immunity. 

By embracing the six seasons of Ayurveda, we can align ourselves with the
rhythms of nature and cultivate a deeper sense of balance and well-being.

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