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Need to repot your plants? Follow this step-by-step guide!

Need to repot your plants? Follow this step-by-step guide!

If you’ve ever bought a plant, you know that watching it thrive is one of life’s greatest joys. This means repotting plants when it is needed. Summer is the perfect time to repot your indoor plants! Whether they need a soil refresh, are root-bound or just need a larger pot, follow these simple steps to getting your favourite plants into a new home. 

When should you repot? 

Knowing when it’s time to repot a plant can be tricky, as different varieties require different levels of attention. Generally speaking, it’s best to check the roots before deciding whether or not it’s time for a new pot. Start by gently removing the plant from its current container; if you notice roots coming out through the drainage holes, then it’s definitely time for a larger pot. If there are no visible roots poking through but the soil seems very dry and compacted, then you may also want to consider repotting. 

Before you start repotting your plants, make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand. You’ll need a new pot (one size larger than the current one), some potting soil that suits the type of plant you are repotting, and some pruners (if needed). It’s also helpful to have some kind of trowel or shovel handy as well. Once you have all your supplies ready, you can move on to the next step. And don’t forget your gardening gloves!

1. Carefully remove your plant from its current pot 

The key here is to be gentle — you don’t want to damage any of the roots as you take out your plant. It’s best to hold onto the base of the stem while carefully tipping out the pot so that everything stays intact. If the roots are dead or rotten, make sure to prune them off. You can tell if roots are dead if the soil smells a bit rotten and roots are a reddish-brown colour. Be sure to carefully shake off as much old soil as possible, this allows as many roots as possible to be surrounded by the fresh soil. 

2. Prepare the soil

Preparing the soil is essential for providing your plants with essential nutrients and minerals. Using quality soil mix is key; avoid using garden dirt as it contains insects and other pests that can damage your plant. Additionally, be sure to add fertiliser, perlite, coco coir or other coil-enhancers into the mix; this will help give your plant extra nourishment and encourage strong growth.

3. Fill your new pot with soil and place your plant in it 

Now that your plant is free from its old home, it’s time to put it into its new one. Begin by filling up your new pot with soil until it’s about a quarter to halfway full; this will give enough room for your plant and its root system to sit comfortably in its pot. Then place your plant in its new home, and pour the rest of the potting mix on until there is a centimetre or two of space between the top of the soil and top of the pot. Make sure that all of the plant’s roots are covered with soil completely. Pat down gently on top of the soil around your plant so that everything is secure and then water thoroughly.

And there you have it! With just a few simple steps, you can easily repot any type of houseplant without worrying about damaging them in any way. Plus, once they’re settled into their new home, they’ll be able to grow much bigger and stronger than before! Repotting may seem intimidating but with a little patience and some basic supplies, anyone can do it—so get ready and get repotting!

By Sarah Panther

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