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How can acupuncture and herbal medicine help with fertility?

How can acupuncture and herbal medicine help with fertility?

How Can Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Help With Fertility?

Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can seem quite mysterious to the uninitiated.

Often times a person’s curiosity is piqued by great word of mouth of a good friend who had an amazing experience, and this is very common when it comes to seeking help with fertility.

Fertility is not just about getting pregnant, (although that is the major landmark event).

There are many stages and aspects of the journey that collectively create the right conditions for a healthy pregnancy and birth experience.

Fertility is a natural healthy state of being for a human body, however, in this modern day of high stress, long working hours, demanding careers, having a social life and wanting it all, conditions are not always right in the body for getting pregnant.

This article takes a look at how Chinese medicine and acupuncture can be extraordinarily helpful in bringing the body towards a state of harmony and balance for the fertility journey.


In an ideal world, planning to have a baby might include a period of time preparing and nourishing the body and mind in the lead up to trying to get pregnant.

Some people just get pregnant, and that’s where the journey begins!

In Chinese medicine we have wonderful diagnostic tools to help investigate where in a person’s body there are deficiencies, and how to bring them back into balance.

This is extremely relevant for both men and women, especially if they have been trying for some time.

There is often a lot of pressure put on women to do all the medical investigations, with some kind of preconceived notion that it is her body that needs support.

Astoundingly, we have seen a 50% decrease in sperm quality over the past 10-15 years across the world!

A good example might be that a couple has undergone further investigations which have revealed low sperm motility for example (the sperm are not swimming well), or low morphology (the sperm are malformed).

The great news is that acupuncture has been shown to help improve both the quality and the movement of sperm over a period of 3 months or more of consistent treatments.

A great reminder that is takes two people (and maybe some specialists in the mix), to make a baby, so all parties need to be on board with taking care of their health and getting the relevant testing done.

Another example could be that a woman has had some further blood tests and been found to be very low in iron. Chinese medicine has a whole array of herbs and acupuncture protocols to nourish and tonify her blood.

Sometimes along the way there can be some unexplained reasons why a couple might not be conceiving.

A good practitioner will be able to respect the role of western medicine in your journey, and help you to take the right steps for further investigations if they are needed, for example ultrasounds, blood tests or physical exams.

These are just some of the ways that Chinese medicine and acupuncture can support the fertility journey.

If you have been curious to see how acupuncture might help you on your fertility journey, have a search for a local Acupuncturist, or feel free to get in touch below.

Instagram: @drkarinasmith

Facebook: Karina Smith Yin Yoga and Chinese Medicine


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