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Five great family movies with a green message to watch this summer!

Five great family movies with a green message to watch this summer!

Watching movies together as a family is a great way to connect and share quality time, especially on a 40-degree summer day. If you’re looking for movie ideas that also help promote environmental awareness in your children, here are five great eco-friendly films your family can watch together. 

1. Wall-E (2008) – This charming Pixar film follows the adventures of a robot trying to clean up the pollution left behind by humans on an abandoned Earth. It’s a fun story about friendship and resilience, but with an important message about taking care of our planet and the ramifications of what may happen if pollution isn’t prevented. Watch it on Disney+. 

2. Happy Feet (2006) – This animated musical adventure tells the story of an Emperor penguin who finds his own unique way of standing out from the crowd. It’s filled with catchy songs and cute characters, while also advocating for respecting nature and protecting endangered species. Catch Happy Feet on Stan, Binge or Netflix

3. FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992) – In this classic animated movie, fairies and creatures living in the Australian rainforest must join forces with a human boy to protect their home from deforestation caused by loggers and pollution caused by malevolent pollution entity, Hexxus. It’s full of charming characters and colourful visuals, plus it has an important lesson about sustainability and caring for our planet. Stream FernGully on Amazon Prime Video or Apple TV 

4. Winged Migration (2001) – This documentary captures the incredible journeys taken by birds during their yearly migrations across continents, oceans, and deserts. The stunning cinematography will keep your family glued to the screen while teaching them about nature’s beauty and fragility at the same time! Watch this documentary on Apple TV or Amazon Prime Video

5. Avatar (2009) – In this sci-fi fantasy epic set on distant moon Pandora, humans attempt to mine for precious minerals without considering its impact on the native Na’vi people or its delicate ecosystems. Avatar is visually stunning and packed with thrilling action scenes while promoting an eco-friendly message too. Watch this before watching Avatar 2: The Way of Water this summer! Watch this box-office smash on Disney+. 

Whether you’re looking for something silly or serious, there are plenty of eco-friendly movies you can watch with your family that will entertain everyone while teaching valuable lessons about sustainability and our planet. Why not take some time out together this school holidays for some green movie night fun?

By Sarah Panther

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