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Exercising For Muscle Strength? It’s All About How Often, Not How Much!

Exercising For Muscle Strength? It’s All About How Often, Not How Much!

Exercising For Muscle Strength? It’s All About How Often, Not How Much!

A recent study from researchers at Perth’s Edith Cowan University and Japan’s Niigata University and Nishi Kyushu University found that brief exercise five days a week may be superior to an extended exercise session once a week.

Through the study, the researchers found that a few small exercises five days per week improved muscle function more than one extended weekly session, with the gains were the resulting from a single set of six eccentric resistance exercises, performed each weekday.

Strength training exercises usually include three phases: a concentric phase, an isometric phase, and an eccentric phase.

Exercise is essential for maintaining muscle strength. For people who are looking to improve their muscle strength, there are a few specific exercises that are particularly effective.

One exercise that can help to build muscle strength is lifting weights. This exercise works by causing the muscles to contract and work against resistance. As the muscles become stronger, they are better able to lift heavier weights.

Another exercise that is effective for building muscle strength is yoga. This exercise helps to stretch and lengthen the muscles, which can help to prevent injuries. Yoga can also help to improve flexibility and range of motion.

Finally, Pilates is another exercise that can help to build muscle strength. This exercise works by engaging the core muscles and helping to improve posture. By doing these exercises on a regular basis, people can significantly improve their muscle strength.

Don’t feel bad about missing your one weekly gym session, by undertaking these exercises a few times a week, you will steadily build up your muscle strength, and increase your overall health.

By Sarah Panther

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