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Bond and exercise together with kid-friendly yoga poses

Bond and exercise together with kid-friendly yoga poses

Yoga is a great way for kids to learn about mindfulness and relaxation and get some exercise. But finding yoga poses that can be done with young children can be tricky. Here are a few easy poses that you and your kids can do together!

Tree Pose (Vrksasana) – This is a classic yoga pose that helps children gain balance and focus. To get into the pose, have them stand tall on one leg with their arms raised high above their head like branches of a tree. Have them hold the pose for 10-30 seconds as they imagine themselves lifting up out of the ground like a tall tree in the forest.

Cat/Cow (Marjariasana) – This fun sequence is perfect for helping kids become aware of their body’s movements and to increase flexibility. Start in tabletop position on hands and knees with your child’s back flat. As you inhale, have them lift their chest and drop their belly towards the ground like a cow while looking slightly upward to stretch the spine. As they exhale, have them round their back towards the sky like a cat while tucking their chin close to their chest. Repeat this sequence several times in order to help increase flexibility of the spine as well as strengthen abdominal muscles.

Child’s Pose (Balasana) – This resting pose helps children relax while stretching out any tight spots they may have in their hips or back. To get into the pose, have them kneel on all fours with knees and legs hip width apart and toes touching each other behind them. Ask your child to slowly lower their butt down towards their heels while keeping arms stretched out long in front of them until they are sitting on their feet. Let the forehead rest lightly on the floor or mat beneath them. Let them stay here for about 30 seconds to 1 minute as they take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana 1) – The perfect pose for building core strength and stability. To do this pose, stand with feet wide apart, one leg in front and one behind. Then bend the front knee at a 90-degree angle, bringing the thigh parallel to the ground and knee over ankle. Both of you stretch both arms out in front of or above you and look forward while holding the pose for 30 seconds before switching sides.

Yoga is a truly fun way to bond with your kids and show them the importance of mindfulness and moving the body in a healthy way. Not only will it help improve flexibility, balance, strength, coordination and concentration, it also teaches kids how to become aware of how certain body parts move together as one unit plus how to focus on breathing during physical activity. The next time you want to spend some quality time with your kiddos at home, try doing these easy yoga poses together.

By Sarah Panther

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    The Significance of Oscillation Control Systems in Machines
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