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Be Well for Goodness Sake!

Be Well for Goodness Sake!

The current pandemic is a time of rapid global transformation. We are coming to realise we are all connected, and our personal health and wellbeing impacts everyone. Therefore, the best thing you can do is be as healthy as possible, for everyone’s sake.

Health authorities around the world all agree on one thing: the best way to avoid or treat viral infections is to be well. There are many natural approaches to prevention and treatment of disease. Basic lifestyle measures such as fresh air, sunshine, whole food diet, exercise and social connection build resilience, improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. These measures also reduce co-morbidities, enhance recovery, and limit the spread of infection. Furthermore, every culture has developed practices and remedies to support immunity and prevent viral illness.

There are many ways to build your immunity and enhance your physiological and psychological resilience so you can prevent and treat acute infective illness and reduce the impact of chronic disease. Many of these therapies combine the best of ancient wisdom and advanced science and do not require medical prescription or supervision. They simply require practical common sense and can be included in a healthy lifestyle with very little cost, training, or equipment.


• Heat applied through baths, showers, hot springs, steam rooms, saunas, and sunshine;

• Nutritional interventions such as seeds, berries and foods high in bioflavonoids, zinc and

vitamin C, and fermented foods rich in microbial diversity;

• Herbs such as tulsi, Artemisia annua, Andrographis, and medicinal mushrooms with anti-viral

and immune boosting properties;

• Relaxation practices that reduce stress and connect you with the inner-well of your being;

  • Social connection that amplifies your wellbeing and builds resilient and fearless communities.

Dr Marc Cohen’s The Recipe for Wellness 🙂

Bathe in beautiful water 

Prepare delicious food 

Make the most of every breath 

Dance through every mood

Tend the soil beneath your feet 

Embrace sunshine from above 

Share your gifts with all the world 

Fill your life with love

By Dr Marc Cohen.

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