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Improve Workplace Wellbeing – Find New Strategies at the Workplace Mental Health Symposium

Improve Workplace Wellbeing – Find New Strategies at the Workplace Mental Health Symposium

Improve Workplace Wellbeing - Find New Strategies at the Workplace Mental Health Symposium

If there is one goal that each and every company and business can strive for, it is that of a mentally healthy workplace.

Workplace mental health initiatives are increasingly important to ensure a happy, healthy and productive workforce, with a Beyond Blue report finding that 91% of workers believe that good mental health in the workplace is important. One in five workers are currently experiencing mental health difficulties, with anxiety and depression being the most common mental health conditions experienced by people in Australia. These conditions tend to affect people during their prime working years (16 to 64 years).

The Workplace Mental Health Symposium is an annual event held to improve the mental health of workplaces around Australia, aimed at people who can influence the mental health programmes held at their respective workplaces.

This year’s event is full of dozens of incredible speakers over three jam-packed days. Some standout sessions include:

  • Avoiding the Grey Zone: Burnout, Stress and Strategies – Burnout is a common occurrence found in many high-level businesses, with so many things on one’s plate, it can be easy to run out of energy and crash. Stephen Macdonald, CEO of Human Link Consulting, discusses what causes burnout, identify the link between internal and external factors on stress and burnout, and discover ways to create coping strategies to look out for signs of burnout and how to cope with it when it happens.
  • Benefits and Challenges of Flexible Working: Back to the Office, Hybrid and Digital-First Approaches Reviewed – In an ever-evolving work environment, the pandemic changed the way work looks for many people. From this, a unique challenge has arisen for workplaces around Australia, how will the workplace look in 2022 and beyond? Occupational Psychologist Daryan Rosic talks through the different ways work can look, how they each effect workers and invites participants to consider practical steps in making their own decision on what approach would work best for them and their team.
  • Keynote Panel: What Do Chief Mental Health Officers Do and What Does this Mean for the Future of Workplace Mental Health? – This keynote panel is not to be missed! A knowledgeable panel of Mental Health Advisors, Laura Kirby of Commonwealth Bank, Lucas Finch of Xero and Jono Nicholas of EY, will answer questions and raise discussion about the roles of Mental Health Officers/Advisors within the workplace, and why the wellbeing of employees is important to the future of workplace mental health. The session will be hosted by Shinade Hartman and Justine White of AST Entertainment.

If employee mental health and wellbeing is important to you, grab your tickets, either virtual or in-person, to the Workplace Mental Health Symposium here. Don’t miss out on this jam-packed conference, and make a difference to you and your team.

By Sarah Panther  

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